Sunday, September 5, 2010



Creating Opportunities for College Access....
This article covered data gathered from a case study on an Illinois charter school. The school was created to prepare the area youth for entrance into college, both academically and socially. As long as the students were willing to work, they were there to work with them. Although the study was geared to minorities, it did offer some ideas or base lines for running a college access program. The article also had two pages of references which I was able to find 9 more sources to check out.

Knowledge for Practice....
This article discussed the training for college access advisors for Cleveland Scholarship Programs (CSP). The training was broken down into general areas (each was listed with a description) and a review of how the training went, along with a timeline for presenting topics, was covered also. This article did not go in-depth on how they created their program but did offer a link to download the Training Modules and Objectives as well as a few references for further exploration.

Promising Practices....
In this article an overview of 3 programs in the Mid-East US was given. 1) A financial aid based program that had expanded into a more holistic program, 2)A scholarship program, and 3) A unique partnership between secondary and post-secondary entities. In relation to college access the groups highlighted assist college bound students with assistance in tuition and related educational expenses. The last group discussed is a model for creative solutions, community involvement and partnerships.

Planning for Opportunity....
This article provided an outline for starting a college-going culture in your school. The process was broken down into sections and discussed in detail. The overall theme through all portions of the article were to be consistent with language and expectations of college and to provide as much support as possible. There were also multiple references provided for further research.

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