Thursday, September 2, 2010


I chose to follow Hot News and Seminars from Apple because I am a new Mac user. My thoughts are with the Hot New I will be kept up to date with what the company is releasing and doing with their technologies. The Seminars will keep me notified when learning opportunities or events are happening that I may be able to participate.

Art Education 2.0 is a collection of Art Educators from different areas. It is promoted as a sharing community where teachers can stay in touch with what others are doing as well as how they are integrating technology into their classrooms. This will be beneficial for me to follow for networking and for brainstorming ideas. I especially like the element of joining Art with technology. Since the Arts are being cut from schools, the more technology is integrated the less likely the school will be to do away with them.
I chose TED to follow from the view videos I have watched in my FSO classes. I can get tips to make my lessons better from watching how different people present and condense their information to the time limits.  Also, the videos I have watched so far have been very engaging while still remaining educational.
My 5th RSS site is Edutopia. I came across their magazine while subbing in one of the schools in my area. After flipping through the pages I knew the organization was one that I wanted to learn about more. I went home and checked out their site, where I registered to receive e-mail updates. A year later I am now registered for RSS feed from their site so I can stay in touch with what happens daily. I was intrigued by the magazine because it seemed to be a breath of fresh air about education. The people in the articles were excited, passionate and making things happen in their schools. They were also open to new ways of instruction and making sure their population was being served to the best of their abilities. It was refreshing to read about teachers and educational professionals that were not suffering from burnout.

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