Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week 4: Publishing_Leadership project

Below are the links to my presentation and speaker notes. They will most likely change before the final presentation, and maybe even after too. What you will be viewing is my AR project that covered the subject of College Access. My goal was to teach students to use the Internet and Web 2.0 tools to independently search for college and career information. I would like to present my information at the annual OCAN/OASFAA conference that will be held in December of 2011 in Columbus, OH.


Speaker Notes:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 4: Think Out Loud #3

Whew-presentation done (for now)! There will most likely be changes before (and probably after) the final presentation, but that means I am still critically evaluating and learning about the process. I am also positive that my speaker notes will be used as a guideline but I will ad-lib during the actual presenting. I tend to go with the flow when presenting; sometimes this is a good idea, other times I get sidetracked and have to remember where I was everything gets covered. Knowing this also allows me to plan for "what if" situations so they aren't as unnerving when they do happen.

Also-it is a wonderful and weird feeling having only a month left of the program and to be putting finishing touches on everything!

Week 4: Think Out Loud #2

It still amazes me how fast events materialize. Planning for events in the future, especially fun outings, is a good idea but then it always seems to take forever to get to the date. Then in the blink of an eye it has come and gone. I knew this holiday weekend would be busy and I thought I had a good handle of my schedule BUT....ha! There were extra demands from family, friends and work. Certain projects have been getting pushed back and/or squeezed in (as many of you saw in our Thursday night presentations...) which drives me crazy! I have tried to remain clam and prioritize/schedule my time to get everything in and repeating to myself, "I will get everything done....I will get everything done...." So far so good-now it is onward and upward to my goals :)

Week 4: Reading ch.9-12

Wow-these chapters had a lot of self reflection ideas/exercises! Many of them sound like good practices, but would be tough to start (unless you already think in that manner...). The story in Chapter 9 explaining the Philharmonic concert and its funding was my favorite this time. The person seeking the donation was turned down, but by listening and being open to others ideas ended up with more than they had originally planned. I do believe that a little of Rule #6 was in play in this situation since the person had to relax and go with the flow; if they had been super serious they would have responded to the "no" answer differently and in turn missed on a wonderful opportunity for the whole community.

I also was touched by the story where the teacher shaved her head to show support of the student. The students probably expected to be in trouble (much like the teenagers in Brazil...) but the teacher turned their negative behavior and reactions into a teachable moment. Instead of a lecture she SHOWED them that it is ok to be different supporting the saying, "Actions speak louder than words".

Week 4: Response #2 to Kathy Valunas

Mac - Week 4: My Think Out Loud - Part 3

Arghhhhhh...... technology is so awesome when it is working without any glitches! My Publishing/Leadership project is going ok but getting it uploaded to my iDisk was terrible. One day my mobile me account works without any errors and the next, it wiggles with that stupid message "your ID or password are incorrect"! So after several hours of dealing with tech support from Apple, it is working again. I ended up creating a slide show presentation using Keynote even though I normally use PowerPoint. Tried Prezi but it was not going to give me the option of speaker notes so back to Keynote. I was a bit disappointed in that not too many of my classmates were creating presentations; most opted for a publication for their papers. But I love presenting so this is my preference. Managed to keep the slide count down to 15 so that is pretty good. I saw Curt's Keynote slides and his choice for the Zen presentation was such a great idea. Though it was tricky to whittle down the amount of text, I did manage to keep it simpler than usual. Well still have a few slides to complete with details so back to work. Laters loyal followers!


Tiffany Scanlan said...
I feel your pain with MobileMe. I have had a few issues this year (iWeb & Mobile me, and our textbook downloads) but the tech support has been tremendous! It wasn't always a short process, but worth the time. I usually got pushed up to the highest level of support; i guess this was a good thing-ha? I too was disappointed that not may people did presentations, since I am a visual person. I did decide to use Prezi and made speaker notes in Google Docs. I will most likely make changes to both before the presentation, but so far it was fun to assemble. My notes will probably change depending on the crowd of people. If they are a chatty bunch, there will probably be stories added where if they are a quiet group I will probably stick to the facts. Hopefully they will have a positive response and want to have fun while in the session! Good luck on the rest of your presentation-I'm sure it will be lovely :)

Week 4: Response #1 to Jason Peglow

Jason said:
And Then There Were None...
Photo by Jason Peglow
 Well... after this post I will officially be able to click on my final "I have completed this assignment" tab for the month 11 - Media Asset Creation class of our Full Sail University master's degree program. I must say that I am starting to feel a bit melancholy about this whole experience being nearly over. Having completed three masters degrees (counting this one) I know I am always so relieved immediately following graduation and ecstatic that I will have all this free time to catch up on my neglected household chores. But, soon after I begin going through withdrawal and I find I am looking through degree programs and course books to get my next fix. I think the yearning comes from my worry that I may end up old and outdated and ineffective in my profession and wind up like all these closed minded, closed doors crabs that speckle the hallways of my school. I never want to lose the passion for this job and always worry about the "burnout" syndrome everyone warns me about when I get here so early and/or leave so late. But, I love my chosen profession and plan to keep my spark alive for as long as I can.

I want to thank everyone that I have had the pleasure of meeting during my time at Full Sail. You are all inspiring teachers and you are all the reasons why we have hope for the future of quality and effective education. Good luck in month 12 and beyond!  

Tiffany Scanlan said...

Wow--it was like you were reading my mind! I too enjoy learning new things, going to school and working with students. I make a joke about how soon I will go back to school. When I am in school and stressed out with deadlines, papers and projects I tell my self I will be SO glad once everything is done. Then once I am done and the memories of the experience have dulled, I start thinking about starting again. You would think I would remember the feeling of pressure but no--it doesn't stick--and I am glad because, like Billy Madison, I think "Learning is cool! Horray for school!" haha!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Think Out Loud #1

Choosing a place to present-how intimidating! I looked over the list given, and checked a few sites for Ohio and came up with nothing inspiring. I had decided to not think about it for a few days when I received an e-mail asking for presenters for the annual OASFAA/OCAN 2011 conference. It will be held in Columbus (about an hour from my house) during the middle of December. I attended the conference last year and think it is a perfect fit for my project; plus it will help mix up the topics for the attendees. I ran the idea past my boss, who became excited and said "Go for it!". She did stress the due date, but I let her know that it will be done well in advance since it is homework. I am excited to get started on the presentation, and even more excited to share it with others. I just have to decide how I am going to present....Keynote, PowerPoint, Prezi.....hhhhmmmm.....